I love beauty. I am sure you do too. Sometimes, in our busy, noisy, confusing world, beauty isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. And yet it is all around us if, as the Scripture tells us, we have eyes to see and ears to hear.
I love the dark sky on a clear starry night. I love the azure blue of the ocean on a sunny day with the frothy white waves. I love the ambers, and the golds, and the scarlets of the autumn leaves.
I love music, many genres of music. But a cello and piano in harmony with each other can lift my gaze out of any self-absorption and cause me to be grateful for the composers and the musicians who have created such beauty.
And I love the Christmas Season. No. The Grinch hasn’t stolen Christmas from me!
I think I am hearing some “Bah, Humbug.” The beauty of Christmas is hard to find in the midst of crass commercialism and Christmas songs being played unremittingly in the department stores and markets. When the media bombards our vision and hearing with commercials and pop-up ads which would convince us that we need this latest gadget or that latest item of clothing, it can create a temptation to indulge our senses and with hope of being satisfied.
A famous celebrity is known for sharing her “favorite things” with friends and even writes about them in her magazine. Here are some of my favorite things, things that I find to be beautiful during this wonderful Christmas Season:
The church softly lit by candles, the smell of cinnamon apple in the house, the sparkly lights on the Christmas tree, enjoying time with friends and family. Music.
The Piano Guys: Family Album
Josh Groban: O Holy Night
Archangel Voices: Christ is Born. Give Glory!
Nat King Cole: Christmas Songs
But the dearest part of Christmas for me is waiting with hope for an Advent Coming of the Christ Child afresh into my own heart. O Come, O Come Immanuel. This Christmas i wish for the gift of Wisdom in my life. What is on your heart?
O come, Thou Wisdom from on high,
And order all things, far and nigh,
To us the path of knowledge show
And cause us in her ways to go
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.
By the way, my favorite Name for the Lord is Emmanuel - God With Us.
May you experience Peace and Presence, Light and Life, and simple beauty this Christmas.
Sandi and Barry Grecu